Me and my associate, Jolze (He doesn't have an ng account so don't bother) are currently making a platform game based around graffiti. Level design is taking ages since I want to make it as large as possible, while jolze is working on Physics (Or AI, I should probably check.)
I will mostly be using local graff artists from auckland. But I'm also looking for tags, bombs, throw ups, made in flash, that I can insert directly into the world of the game without any hassle. If you want to submit pieces to add to the game feel free to email me at
Please, don't use premade fonts, and make the entire thing packaged in a single graphic or movie clip.
P.s. The game won't be coming out any time soon, since we want to make our first game brilliant, and not completely half assed. And were both caught up with Uni at the moment.
Oh yea, and if any scripters out there know an easy way to make slopes work properly give me a buzz (Jolze has figured out a difficult way to make slopes work with the character, but it would be nice if we could make any sort of gradient and the character won't fall through them if he jumps.)
sure im in.