I want to make stories and music that mean something. I have a passion to bring messages to people that will inspire, and build them up. Also stories that completely go against the norm. I want to make Christian toons that are a bit edgy.

Age 35, Male

Graphic designer

Massey University

New Zealand

Joined on 6/2/08

Exp Points:
978 / 1,110
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Vote Power:
5.21 votes
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So I posted up my infographic "10 Step Guide to Nerdism" yesterday. I was quite surprised when I learnt it won daily fifth. Since it's not really a game, and it's not really a movie. it's sort of one of those inbetween things that may be difficult to box. Heck, it wasn't even made to be very fun.
Judging from the reviews though, the content seemed to resound with a bunch of people.

I should make a few concessions while I'm here though, a disclaimer if you will.
First of all, I made this with the intention of no one outside my own class at uni ever seeing it. So I was quite liberal with a few choices. Such as gaming: If your a newby gamer, I probably wouldn't recommend orange box to you. It's true that its a gem of gaming, and if I were to show people that gaming had true story telling capabilities, and groundbreaking ideas, I would show them the orange box.
If I were trying to get my ambisinistrous girlfriend to play a game for the first time though, I probably wouldn't make her play portal. It would blow her fragile little mind into a million pieces.

Unfortunatly I can't think of any simple PC/XBox games I would recommend. So oh well. Looks like this post will just end now, lacking any proper closure or ending.
Really this is just an excuse to say, Holy shit, I got daily 5th for my piece of shit uni project. Thanks everyone.


Recent Game Medals

3,310 Points

The way the cookie crumbles 5 Points

Beat the crap out of the first opponent!

Child Chomper 5 Points

01 - Eat kid

Poor Aboboy 10 Points

00D - Watch the whole intro where Aboboy is kidnapped

Patience 10 Points

00A - Watch full intro rising up to main menu

Look silly 5 Points

Do what the title says

Gotcha 5 Points

Screw up in level 5

The King of Slime 5 Points

Defeat King Slime

No Return 5 Points

Enter The Cave of No Return

Bombardier 5 Points

Throw your first bomb

First Blood 5 Points

Kill your first enemy