Wouldn't it be cool to have a flash which really pointed out everything wrong with music and the flash subculture. I know that goes from broad to very specific subjects, but the two have been bumping around in my mind lately. Do other people notice the trend in the type of humour used on this site? Excluding all the penis stuff, which seems drawn to this place, I swear everyones a closet gay. But anyway, everything everyone turns out seems to be aimed at violence and black humour(Generalization again.) I mean, don't get me wrong, chucks new tux made me laugh and laugh, But sometimes I think we should really get over it and actually make a message worth hearing. And not just repeating everything that your told. I'm sure everyones unique, with that said, we should all have a unique message. At the moment I'm seeing the same trash reworded and spat out into the portal every day.
Maybe its time to break the mold. Forget video games for a day or two, and really find something worth flashing about. We have got this awesome medium to distribute our messages with, and yet we squander it on cheap thrills.
Lets stop being destructive and instead bomb people with something worth hearing.
the real problem is this... most people dont know/care about the music portal
i just recently found it myself, and was pretty damn amazed at the selection of music thats been right under my nose this whole time.
Newgrounds was made on flash, therefore I see the reason why flash takes precedence on their importance, whereas not to many people, other then those who know about the website, would even think to come here for music.
I will admit though, since discovering the audio portal, i've added quite a few new songs to my mp3 player.