"Newby in Oblivion" Got daily fourth. My first award. Im rather pleased. Considering I made it in a day. Many of the reviews were more like people recounting stories of their experiences with oblivion. I think a lot of them will make for a great resource in the making of a second possible oblivion toon. Ill keep the current character and probably add a buddy. A night elf probably. So that way my newby doesnt have to talk to himself the whole time. They will probably run into each other as the night elf puts two naked dead people into "erotic" positions. Most of us have done that for a giggle at one point or another. But its still a little weird "What are you DOING!??" "Uh... Nothing...*jiggle jiggle.*
Oh yea, Ill probably add a joke about jelly like dead bodies. As soon as I get back from thailand. Its Efing meeeeaan. Brand new games are like 5 dollars each. I could probably get them cheaper if I got out of the mall and into the street markets though. So I might parody something Cooler at a later date.
Continue with Oblivion but I suggest you make an actual series, with a plot and all. Making fun of Hobos for thier incredible voices is funny and all but I think you could make a sucessful Oblivion series.